Category: Commercial

03 Jan, 2023
Posted by: rojie
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How Many Outlets Can Be In A Commercial Circuit?

Part of an electrician’s job is to manage circuits and understand their limits. For this, fundamental industry knowledge is required to ensure you don’t overload a circuit by installing too many outlets or plugging in too many devices. A basic level of maths is also helpful, since it may be necessary to do some sums […]

03 Jan, 2023
Posted by: rojie
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Is Being A Commercial Electrician Hard?

Anything is easy with the right skills and mindset. That said, there are many jobs requiring extensive training to perform effectively, and a commercial electrician is one of them. At Pro Point Electrical, we require all our electricians to have undergone thorough training to ensure we provide Melbourne’s best commercial electrical services. The knowledge required […]

03 Jan, 2023
Posted by: rojie
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What Are The Duties Of A Commercial Electrician?

A commercial electrician is responsible for maintaining the electrical systems and components of any building used for commerce or for providing an essential service. This includes many premises, such as retail parks, schools, police stations, hotels, bars, and office buildings. A commercial electrician services these buildings with care, often bearing a large responsibility to keep […]

03 Jan, 2023
Posted by: rojie
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How Much Do Commercial Electricians Make In Australia?

Being an electrician is challenging and demanding, but it’s such an enjoyable thing to do. No two days are the same, and an element of freedom comes with being an electrician that other trade jobs don’t have. There are many benefits to hiring a commercial electrician, not least because they can ensure your business runs […]

03 Jan, 2023
Posted by: rojie
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What Skills Do Commercial Electricians Need?

Commercial electricians are highly skilled tradesmen. Their work is incredibly technical and undeniably essential to our communities, so it naturally requires an extensive wealth of knowledge to perform. There are various branches of electricians, all of whom share common fundamental skills. There are, however, several nuances of skills that differ between electricians. For instance, the […]

14 Oct, 2022
Posted by: Nick
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Commercial vs Industrial Electricians

Electricity is vast. The world uses so much electricity (nearly 24,000 terawatts/hour according to Statista!) and in so many ways that different types of electricians are required for different premises. Two such types of electrical contractors are industrial and commercial electrical company. Knowing which one is most suited to your electrical needs can prove invaluable, […]

14 Oct, 2022
Posted by: Nick
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Advantages of Hiring a Commercial Electrician

Electricians are absolute godsends. Now I could just end the article there, but something tells me I should probably elaborate a bit more. Imagine a world without electricity – how dark and dingy and dreadful that would be. But that could be your world if your home loses power and there are no electricians around […]

14 Oct, 2022
Posted by: Nick
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Commercial vs Residential Electricians

Being an electrician is a complicated job. Tasks range from fixing flickering lights in a home to controlling electrical faults in a stadium. Because of this, the electrician career path has several different routes one can take. There are commercial, residential, and industrial electricians – all of which carry distinct responsibilities and training. At Pro […]

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